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HotelTonight – East San Jose Hotels Are Available

San Jose is a much bigger city than many people realize. It's not only a big city, but it's a metropolitan area that is comprised of countless diverse pocket communities. I had driven through San Jose many times for work, but I had never found the time to take a closer look at what it's really like here until recently. My last work trip to San Jose included meetings that lasted until Friday morning. I decided that, instead of flying home that day, I'd fly back on Saturday morning instead. This gave me 24 hours to explore a new part of town, and I wanted to spend the day in East San Jose for a lot of different reasons. I also wanted to focus on one part of town so I could get to know it a bit better than if I tried to cover this entire area in one day. I wasn't worried about finding an East San Jose hotel room either, as I always travel with HotelTonight, the app that helps people find lodging in real-time.

The Outdoors

I have to admit that when I used to think of San Jose, I never thought about the outdoors. I thought about technology, office buildings and young professionals. When I got to East San Jose, I realized that I needed to change my thinking. There were massive, beautiful parks everywhere and I made the drive up to Lick Observatory on Mount Hamilton. As you can imagine, this facility is situated such that you can see the entire area that surrounds you, and the views were nothing short of stunning. It was a true look at the Northern Californian landscape.

Little Portugal

I did not even know this community existed until I got here, but after driving by a beautiful church and stopping nearby, I found out I was in Little Portugal. It's only a few blocks in size, but those blocks are filled with businesses and the like that all pay homage in one way or another to the country that bears the neighborhood's name. I also had lunch at a local restaurant there, and I can tell you that in the future I'm going to make it a point to incorporate more Portuguese food into my rotation when I go out to eat.

The Lake

I had no idea that there was not only a lake in East San Jose, but that there was a very popular lake. Lake Cunningham sits here, and it's 50 acres in size. That's not enormous, but it's certainly large enough to create a very scenic shoreline that offers views that are totally unique to this part of the world. It also attracts a lot of locals who want to exercise and enjoy the fresh air. I walked around for quite a while and took several photos, happy I had found it.

HotelTonight – East San Jose Hotels in Seconds

After such a full and fun day, I was tired and ready to get some sleep. I opened my HotelTonight app and found an East San Jose hotel room in seconds. I couldn't wait to relax and recount all that I had seen during this memorable day.